Tomorrow millions of people around the globe are set to recognise World EV Day, a movement designed to drive the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Founded in 2020, it’s a day for celebrating e-mobility and inspiring a shift towards sustainable transport. The initiative has been recognised on a global scale for driving positive change, being mentioned in UK parliament and celebrated by the White House’s top climate advisor.
The notion that we should move towards EVs is a compelling one, not just from an environmental point of view, but from an economical one too. In recent months, consumers have been hit hard by escalating fuel prices, and while costs have dropped slightly in recent weeks, uneasy motorists cannot be blamed for turning their attention to more economical modes of transport.
To many an EV represents the most viable solution. But choosing the right vehicle can be a tricky and daunting task as there are many variables to consider. Mileage, charging capacity, and local infrastructure available to re-power the car outside of the home are just some of the factors which must be considered. To some this may feel like a daunting prospect, and this is where education plays a vital role in speeding up the process.
The Journey’s Beginning
It begins by knowing your journey. The average car journey in the UK is 8.4 miles long pre pandemic, however every driver has a different road to travel and location plays a key role. For example, for those commuting in London, the popularity of the ‘tube’ means those who drive do so for convenience and have shorter journeys. Meanwhile, in the North of England, where people commonly commute between cities, the distance is far greater.
People commuting from Liverpool to Manchester can expect to clock up 68 miles a day, while those travelling from Leeds to Sheffield will cover more than 70 miles on a round trip. With most EVs averaging around 193 miles from a full charge, working out how many miles your EV can do, and where and when you can charge it is crucial.
Understanding the Car’s Charge
To hold electric charge, EVs need direct current (DC). However, power from the grid feeds an office or home environment generates alternating current (AC). In order for a car to use this, an EV has an on-board charger which can convert it to DC. This is commonly known as fast charge. A DC source, such as those found on fuel forecourts, motorway stations will by pass the on board charger.
But the two different methods provide differing speeds. DC charging is classed as rapid or ultra-rapid charging, providing between 50kW – 350kW, which will charge the car in under an hour depending on the car and its battery size. Meanwhile, AC charging is classed as fast, offering an output of 3.6 – 22kW with a charging time of between 2 to 3 hours from empty on most hybrids, and the typical EV under 8 hours from empty. The majority of homes in the UK can output around 7kW, while the majority of commercial buildings have 3 phase electrics and can produce up to 22kW at charge points.
Charge time can also vary depending on the make of the car and not all cars can accommodate rapid charging, so being aware of what kind of charging points you need is vital. Knowing how your car will charge, and what infrastructure will therefore be required at home, work, or along the journey, can be powerful ammunition in your arsenal when switching to an EV.
The Power of Education
For motorists and businesses alike, understanding the intricacies of running an electric vehicle is key to their successful adoption. With people increasingly choosing low-carbon vehicles, encouraging extensive knowledge of how they can fit into our lifestyle is vital. At Pilot Group, we specialise in electric charging technology, but we know that simply supplying products is not enough. We want to share our knowledge and expertise of the EV landscape far and wide to enable people to make informed choices when it comes to sustainable travel.
World EV Day is a powerful movement which generates crucial awareness of electric vehicles and their positive impact, both on the planet and from an economical point of view. But if we are to see their widespread adoption, there is still more to do to educate people on how they can avoid pitfalls and overcome potential barriers when owning an EV. At Pilot Group we are passionate about inspiring the transition.
If moving to an electric vehicle is something you are considering and want to talk about charging infrastructure, it might be worth giving us a call.
Leon Wong is EV Business Development Manager of Pilot Group, a sustainable technology expert which is helping to pave the way towards carbon neutral future with its smart, safe and sustainable infrastructure solutions.