London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) has expanded today in one of the bigger changes to the capital’s roads in decades.

National shared transport charity Collaborative Mobility UK (CoMoUK) said the expansion is an opportunity for a further shift to shared transport options such as car clubs, bike and e-scooter share schemes.

More than 600,000 people in London have used shared e-scooters as part of successful trials, while there are 667,000 car club members in the city.
But London is also home to around 2.7million private cars, which are the single most dominant transport mode.

Richard Dilks, chief executive of CoMoUK, said:
“The ULEZ expansion is an opportunity for greater use of shared transport options such as car clubs, bike and e-scooter share schemes which enable Londoners to step away from car ownership.

“Shared transport is a way to avoid a daily charge, and is part of TfL’s official support package for residents and for those scrapping a qualifying vehicle. This all helps to clean up London’s air and deliver more liveable neighbourhoods.

“London has a wealth of shared transport options that offer alternative ways of travelling around the city which are kinder to both the environment and people’s bank accounts.

“If we are serious about cutting the level of transport emissions, reducing private vehicle use is a crucial part of how we get there.”