The British International Freight Association (BIFA) has named Pawel Jarza as frontier policy manager within its policy and compliance team.

Jarza will be responsible for liaison with UK government departments such as HMRC and Border Force, as well as other relevant external stakeholders, working closely with Igor Popovics, policy advisor Customs, and Robert Windsor, member services director policy and compliance.

The appointment comes at an important period in the management of the UK frontier post-Brexit with the ongoing roll-out of the Border Trade Operating Model and the Single Trade Window, which, when fully operational, is designed to provide a gateway between businesses and UK border processes and systems, allowing users to meet their import, export and transit obligations by submitting information once, and in one place.

A graduate of the university of Wroclaw with a masters degree in International Trade Relations, Jarza has almost 20 years of experience in the logistics industry, mainly in Customs compliance-focused managerial roles.

His appointment represents a homecoming of sorts as he previously worked at the trade association that represents UK freight forwarding and logistics companies as its policy and compliance adviser, focusing on customs issues.

BIFA director general, Steve Parker said: “We welcome back Pawel and are sure that his experience in the Customs environment will help our Policy and Compliance Department to fulfil its role of providing effective representation and support for BIFA members within the broader context of the UK and international freight services industry, during a period of momentous change in frontier procedures.”