Last week, Commercial Vehicle Dealer group, Rygor Commercials was pleased to offer its support to food banks local to its sites, as part of the #MaxusChristmasFoodAppeal.

Rygor team members started collecting essential and luxury food items at the start of December, and donations were delivered using a specially liveried MAXUS eDELIVER9 to Stanwell Community Food Bank, just up the road from Rygor’s Truck and Van sites in Heathrow; West Berks Food Bank in Newbury, and also to the Westbury Area Network Food Bank, located near to Rygor’s Head Office in Wiltshire.

Linda Hallowell, trustee of Westbury Area Network, said: “We’re enormously grateful to the team at Rygor for their generous donations to our Christmas appeal for the food bank. As the cost-of-living crisis has started to hit hard, we have been finding more people than ever are in need of additional support. In the weeks leading up to Christmas we have been preparing record numbers of food parcels, but thanks to community groups and local businesses, we have also received significantly higher levels donations, which will see us through into the New Year. The food parcels we distribute contain basic items to support especially vulnerable individuals and families, and at this time of year we’ve been adding some festive cheer too with extras to help make Christmas special. Thank you to everyone at Rygor for helping to make this possible, and making sure those in our community who are most in need can be supported through these challenging times.”

Rygor’s managing director, John Keogh, was keen for Team Rygor to lend support to the MAXUS campaign. John said: “The #MaxusChristmasFoodAppeal really touched the hearts of our team, and as a MAXUS franchised Dealer, Rygor is delighted to support this amazing initiative. In just two weeks, our team collected two van loads of food and we hope this will make a difference to the amazing support provided by community food banks. Now more than ever, community spirit and ‘giving back’ is so important, and Rygor will continue to support food banks close to its sites throughout 2023.”

RygorMAXUS Sales Manager, Paul Naylor, who helped deliver donations to West Berks Food Bank in Newbury, said: “Nobody should have to choose between heating their home or eating, and absolutely nobody should go hungry at Christmas. Food banks need donations more than ever, to keep doing the amazing work they do in our communities, and our whole team was pleased to be able to support. Huge thanks to MAXUS for organising the appeal and donating a van to enable Team Rygor to join in.”

In addition to its team’s charity fundraising events next year, the Rygor business looks forward to continuing to help support local community food banks throughout 2023.