Following the Government’s publication of its Plan for Drivers, it is vital to ensure the needs of road freight and the essential service it provides to keep our country fed and supplied are front-and-central in future plans.

When UK productivity is perennially poor, blanket policies that restrict mobility are counterproductive. The benefits from policies addressing safety or environmental issues must be clearly evidenced and show how they improve UK competitiveness.

We welcome the recent change-of-tone from the Government and ask that this translates into action that supports our essential road network, keeps traffic flowing and reduces costs during a cost-of-living crisis. Decision-making that overlooks how logistics keeps goods moving within our economy must be avoided.

The road freight industry is working hard to improve safety and reach net zero, but as we have seen in London and other areas, the lorry is often seen as an easy target by politicians.

If backlashes against the ULEZ and Clean Air Zones across the country are to be avoided, working with the road freight industry to improve air quality and safety in a manner which supports our small businesses is vital.

At the start of our National Lorry Week Campaign, we call on the Government to back the lorry and those who are driving British business.

Join in the conversation on social media – #RHACostsandRegulation #NetZeroForum #NationalLorryWeek