The National Audit Office (NAO) said in a new report published today that repeated delays to Britain’s trade border controls have resulted in wasteful government spending. According to the NAO, the delays have also reduced the ability of businesses and ports to prepare for new changes.

Commenting on this report, RHA Public Affairs Manager, Ashton Cull said:

“We are deeply concerned to read this report detailing the level of delays in the introduction of the new border model, and particularly the Single Trader Window.
The overspend on infrastructure and staffing is also of concern to us, particularly when we are receiving reports from members that significant delays are being caused by a lack of resource at Sevington.

“What the road haulage industry needs above all else is clarity and certainty on timelines and costs, and we hope this report can encourage more openness on these points from Government.

“We will continue to work with Government on the development of the new border strategy and we will ensure that the views of industry and the key users making crossings are at the heart of the developing strategy.”