It’s fundamental that goods can be moved to meet the needs of the people and businesses who rely on them every day. Both Road haulage and coach tourism are critical to keeping our economy and supply chains running all year round.

Responding to the Programme for Government as laid out by the Scottish Government for the upcoming 12 months and commenting on the remarks on infrastructure investment from First Minister, John Swinney; RHA Director of Policy for Scotland Martin Reid said:

“The RHA has long called for investment in the road network and I note with interest and agree with the First Minister’s statement that “We can only build a more productive and innovative economy if we invest in infrastructure critical to the economy, such as transport and digital network – ensuring our communities and businesses are connected, and the benefits of growth are shared.
“It is also encouraging to hear that the planned works on the A9 and A83 will progress along with some forward movement on the A96 dualling project. However, there are many other key freight routes that are “critical to the economy” and we would urge the First Minister and this Government to invest in widening and upgrading the A82. A recent member visit to Fort William confirmed to me that there are sections of this route where it is incredibly difficult for HGVs and coaches to pass each other when heading in opposite directions. This situation needs to be addressed.”
Commenting further, Martin added:
“The A75 was specifically mentioned in Hendy’s Union Connectivity report with a promised £8million from the UK Government to support the business case for dualling the route. We would like to know: Where is this investment and why has this project not progressed?
These are only two specific examples of routes that are vital to freight movements, tourism, aquaculture and wind farming and are therefore crucial not only to the economy, but also the Governments net zero ambitions.
More ambitious investment in our road network is needed if Scotland is to realise its full potential and enjoy the shared benefits of economic growth”

The RHA is campaigning for the UK Government, devolved governments and local authorities to maintain and extend commitments to long-term investment in the road system – on the strategic road network, the major road network, and other major local roads.