We have today restated our calls for more safe and secure lorry parking, improved facilities and more action to tackle freight crime. We’re urging the next Police and Crime Commissioners ahead of the 2 May local elections in England and Wales to prioritise these issues to support our drivers, the industry as a whole and the wider economy.

This comes as the IRU and other stakeholders have made similar calls today urging the European Commission to “maintain a focused approach to certifying, upgrading, building, and funding safe and secure truck parking areas in the EU over the next three years.”

We estimate we need 11,000 more safe and secure lorry parking spaces across the country as truckers are still targeted by organised crime gangs.

Freight crime costs the UK economy around £250m a year. NavCIS reports that there were 5,373 reports of HGV and cargo crime in the UK in 2023, with an estimated cost of the loss in value from the thefts alone of £68m – with the retail value much higher.

IRU press release: https://www.iru.org/news-resources/newsroom/drivers-and-cargo-risk-eu-needs-more-safe-and-secure-truck-parking