The RHA has this week launched a new industry survey on market readiness for DVS. This survey is open to all operators of HGVs servicing London. It follows on from the Joint Industry Survey in January 2024 to provide an updated picture on sector’s ability to implement the new DVS Progressive Safe System (PSS) requirements.

Commenting on the launch of the survey, RHA Managing Director, Richard Smith said:

“New rules for HGVs of over 12 tonne gross weight operating in London are coming in October and there’s still widespread concern within the industry about timescales and doubts remain about the availability and affordability of compliant kit and the challenges firms are facing to fit it.

“We’d like to thank everyone for responding to the previous industry DVS survey and for providing feedback to us. In our meetings with TfL and decision-makers in London, we have continued to make the case for a longer grace period and have continued to ask for further clarifications.

“Following the feedback we received, the RHA has secured clarifications to the PSS technical specifications. We’ve also secured some clarity in the form of an explainer document which will be released very soon. However, to get the further clarifications operators have asked for, we need some more information in order to paint the clearest and most up to date picture we can of the sector’s readiness for the changes. What are the current issues you are facing? How are you preparing for DVS?”

We encourage all operators who will be impacted to take part in our survey. HGV operators can take part in the RHA follow up survey via this LINK. Please complete the survey by 6pm on Friday 28th June 2024.