The RHA has set out its vision calling for more support for the haulage sector in a new campaigning push to help drive economic growth.

They launched their ‘Driving Growth, delivering for the country’ haulage manifesto at their Parliamentary Reception at the Palace of Westminster last night (Wednesday 10 January).

The document pulls together key campaign asks and sets out recommendations to support the sector with its many challenges.

These include:

Relieving the tax burden to support economic growth
An emissions-linked fuel duty rebate
A Net Zero roadmap
Roads investment
Planning reform to secure more facilities
Reforms to plug skills gaps

Richard Smith, RHA Managing Director, said:

“We’re facing huge challenges as we tackle unsustainable cost increases, inadequate infrastructure and driver facilities, a major skills gap, and the transition to Net Zero.

“A recent report concluded that more than 450 haulage firms went bust last year which is twice as many as the year before, so we need to act fast.

“Our manifesto articulates the key issues our members and others face as cost pressures hit hard, and offers solutions to ease those burdens and drive economic growth.”