A company serving the offshore oil and gas industry has entered trials with award-winning British fueltech company SulNOx Group Plc to reduce its impact on the environment.

Caspian Marine Services (CMS) operates a fleet of more than 25 offshore marine support vessels, chartering many of its ships to large oil producers.

CMS, which started its operations in Baku, the capital city and main shipping centre of Azerbaijan  in 2006, now has vessels deployed offshore in the Caspian Sea.

Carl Rolaston, Chairman of the CMS Supervisory Board and Farid Gurbanov, CEO of CMS said: “Sustainability and the desire to reduce fuel consumption and emissions is at the top of the Board’s Agenda. We are acutely aware that the water level of the Caspian Sea, the world’s largest inland body of water, is falling dramatically, and this is likely to intensify in the coming years due to global warming.

“By using SulNOx we are leading the way in Azerbaijan and demonstrating to our clients that we are looking for green solutions both on a local and national level as part of Azerbaijan’s commitment to the mitigation of climate change and implementation of adaptation activities stated at COP27.”

SulNOx Group specialises in providing responsible solutions towards decarbonisation of liquid hydrocarbon fuels. Its proprietary fuel emulsifier and conditioners reduce the production of harmful, environmentally damaging emissions whilst also offering significant fuel and other cost savings.

Lord Nicholas Fairfax, Non-Executive Director and Head of Marine at SulNOx Group, said: “I have known CMS for many years and am thrilled that we are now working together. Whilst the Republic of Azerbaijan contributes only 0.15% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, the country has taken an ambitious target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% by 2030, compared to 1990. We congratulate CMS on laying the first stone in the region and its maritime sector by evaluating the SulNOx products in its fleet.”

The agreement follows SulNOx Group’s strengthening of its presence in North America with the appointment of new sales organisation Steele Environmental. The Steele Environmental team has been working with the shipping industry to help identify solutions in advance of Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) regulations coming into force in January 2023, where ship operators will be required to reduce fuel consumption and their environmental impact year on year.

SulNOx Group will also be presenting its solutions to the shipping sector later this month at the Maritime Decarbonisation Conference in Singapore on November 29 and 30. The event is a  global hub for developing and promoting environmental solutions in the maritime sector.

Earlier this month, SulNOx Group was recognised with the Innovation prize at the Logistics Leadership Awards. The Logistic Leaders Network, which hosted the awards, said SulNOx Group had clearly demonstrated that its products could “make a significant difference to the business of its customers”.

Nawaz Haq, Executive Director at SulNOx Group, said: “Immediate decarbonising solutions are a key measure that must be considered by the shipping industry, to improve both technical and operational efficiencies.”