RHA estimates that NOx from HGVs has been slashed by around 70 percent since 2013.

The improvements can largely be attributed to the introduction of cleaner Euro VI trucks onto the UK’s roads in the last decade.

The Association in its NOx Emissions Assessment 2023 projects that NOx will have fallen by 80 percent in 2026.

Greater adoption of alternative fuel and battery-charged trucks in the years ahead could see event greater reductions.

Just 19 percent of UK NOx emissions came from road transport in 2021 – and less than 15 percent of that figure came from commercials vehicles.

Progress has come at significant cost to the sector however with Euro VI trucks more expensive than Euro V. The RHA estimates that the industry has spent £2.2bn on upgrading fleets in ten years with an asset value loss in non-Euro VI vehicles of £1.2bn.

The RHA urges lessons to be learned from clean air zone policies where vehicle life cycles and the needs of SMEs have largely been ignored.

Chris Ashley, RHA Policy Lead for Environment and Vehicles, said: “It’s vital that policy makers understand there are other factors that must be dealt with. Most pressing is how we manage our road networks to minimise congestion where there’s high pollution.

“This requires a fundamental change of approach nationally and locally.”

The RHA launched a #NetZeroForum this year to support the industry on its decarbonisation journey. It brings together a cross-representation of the RHA membership by transport mode, size, sector and the four UK nations to drive the RHA’s long-term contribution to achieving #NetZero.

More on NOx emissions reductions: https://bit.ly/3RxktvN