London Transport Museum invites you to join 100 senior industry leaders for the launch of a new report exploring how we can decarbonise transport in the UK.

This new report Decarbonising Transport, let’s get moving together has been produced by global engineering consultancy Mott MacDonald in collaboration with London Transport Museum, leading law firm Gowling WLG and transportation company Thales GTS.

The report draws on the views of industry leaders based across the country who joined debates hosted throughout 2022 in London, Leeds and Birmingham.

To address the climate challenge and improve sustainable travel the report explores how we can “re-think” our need for travel, how we can “re-mode” or swap to a greener form of transport and how we can “re-power” polluting vehicles with cleaner energy.

The event will be chaired by Professor Greg Clark CBE and include a panel discussion and Q&A with:

  • Alex Williams, Chief Customer & Strategy Officer, Transport for London
  • Jon Eardley, Managing Director of Abellio
  • Kim Yates, UK and Europe Sustainability Lead at Mott MacDonald

Katie Chesworth, author of the Decarbonising Transport, let’s get moving together report and Technical Specialist in Transport Planning at Mott Macdonald will introduce the report.

Media opportunities

In person or phone interviews with spokespeople from Mott MacDonald, Gowling WLG, Thales GTS and London Transport Museum.

Event details

Date: Thursday 2 March 2023

Location: London Transport Museum, Covent Garden Piazza, London WC2E 7BB


  • 07:45 – 09:45 GMT
  • 09:45 – 10:30 GMT – Interview opportunities (alternative dates / times can be arranged as required)

Refreshments available on arrival. 

Please RSVP by midday, Wednesday 29 February if you wish to attend or arrange interviews: