Motorists should take steps to ensure their vehicles are as efficient as possible in the face of rising fuel prices, the head of a leading greentech company said today.

The RAC has said retailers are making a ‘shockprofile-ben-richardson.jpeging’ profit by continuing to increase fuel prices despite a fall in wholesale oil prices.

However, Ben Richardson, Chief Executive of SulNOx Group Plc, said today that there were immediate steps motorists could take to help ensure they were getting the most out of their tank of fuel.

SulNOx Group PLC specialises in natural, biodegradable fuel products which offer a new and sustainable route to significantly increasing fuel efficiencies across widely used hydrocarbon liquid fuels including diesel, petrol and biofuels.

Ben said: “In recent years, drivers have been hit hard in the pocket and companies have seen their fuel costs rise significantly. It is easy to resign yourself to that fact and think there is nothing that can be done, but that is not the case.

“While fuel prices are likely to remain high, drivers can get more miles per gallon by looking into ways to improve combustion. Our revolutionary SulNOxEco™ Fuel Conditioners improve the combustion of light fuels including gasoline and diesel. In tests, they have been shown to reduce fuel consumption by up to 8%.”

SulNOx Group Plc supplies Scottish bus company E&M Horsburgh’s 100-strong fleet, with SulNOxEco™ Fuel Conditioners.

“After recording fuel usage data before and after using SulNOxEco™ Fuel Conditioners, coach company E&M Horsburgh saw a remarkable increase in fuel economy of 9%”, Ben said.

“This consolidates other examples including a haulage firm showing 8% savings across a fleet that includes 27 new Euro 6 trucks, operated over 12 months and covering 1.2 million miles, and so provides extensive data.

“This shows that even with the most modern engine and exhaust technologies available, we can vastly increase efficiencies by improving the burn profile of fuels, enabling more complete combustion.

Ben said that as well as saving the motorist money, SulNOxEco™ Fuel Conditioners could also have a significant impact on reducing harmful CO2 emissions.

“The introduction of E10 petrol in the UK was designed to reduce CO2 emissions and is estimated to remove 750,000 tonnes of CO2 annually – the equivalent of 350,000 cars – from UK Roads. However, our existing technologies, if similarly integrated throughout fuel stations for petrol and diesel, could potentially remove the equivalent of over 5 million cars from UK roads and reduce CO2 equivalent by 10 million metric tons, clearly much more impactful. Given our products comply with current UK fuel standards, there are no technical barriers to prevent this being implemented.”