The RHA is urging the Government to reduce new bureaucracy on hauliers using longer semi-trailers, (LSTs) to encourage uptake.

New administrative requirements are making the use of LSTs unworkable for many RHA members as operators are now expected to individually risk assess every route.

Drivers are also expected to hold copies of risk assessments and route plans.

The measures are due to come in from 30 November despite not being required during 12-year LST trial.

The RHA had welcomed Department for Transport’s announcement that LSTs would be allowed on our roads from 31 May.

But some RHA members are already parking up their LSTs as these processes are creating inefficiencies and driving up costs.

Richard Smith, RHA Managing Director, said: “Safety is our number one priority and we’ve had years of rigorous trials which have proven that LSTs are safe to be on our roads.

“Their increased capacities can mean fewer journeys and less congestion on our roads. This is good for the environment, so it makes no sense to saddle operators with huge and costly administrative burdens that will put them off using them.

“This could be a missed opportunity to drive down emissions and reduce the cost of moving goods.”

He said that the RHA is working with members on solutions to take to government and called for guidance to be changed to reduce onerous administration.

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