Operators should be aware that the new regulations for the use of longer semi-trailers (LST) come into play on 29 February.

We have long advocated for firms to be able use LSTs on UK roads and we are pleased that trials have been successful.

However, now that the trials are ending operators have raised concerns over the requirements to provide a route plan and risk assessment for LST routes – driving up costs and making them less efficient.

Hauliers face the impractical tasks of individually risk assessing every route and drivers are also expected to hold copies of risk assessments and route plans.

Some firms who have invested in LSTs say they will reduce their usage after this month.

We asked ministers to reduce the bureaucracy and allow firms to operate LSTs as they did during the trials which were underway for more than a decade.

We were advised last year that this would require a change in legislation – and we believe this could take a number of years.

We successfully lobbied for an extension to the trial period which was due to end on 30 November 2023. Officials agreed to continue the trial period until 29 February 2024.

We are advised that there won’t be any further extension.

We have continued collaborating with the industry and government and convened conversations with operators and Department for Transport (DfT) officials to work on making guidance clearer.

Operators with concerns over implementation are advised to contact LSTtrial@risksol.co.uk