Speaking on today’s (27 February 2023) announcement regarding the Northern Ireland (NI) Protocol, Logistics UK’s Head of Trade and Devolved Policy, Nichola Mallon, comments: 

“Logistics UK has remained at the forefront of discussions surrounding the NI Protocol, regularly meeting with senior political figures and EU representatives. During these discussions, Logistics UK has consistently reinforced the importance of an agreed, durable outcome between the UK and EU on the NI Protocol in relation to securing the stability and predictability businesses need. Today’s announcement that an agreement has been reached is therefore positive news for industry, and Logistics UK will now take time to work through the technical details with members.”  

Logistics UK is one of the UK’s leading business groups, representing logistics businesses which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more than seven million people directly employed in the making, selling and moving of goods. With decarbonisation, Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports, shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics, and is the only business group which represents the whole industry, with members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of goods. For more information about the organisation and its work, please visit logistics.org.uk