The Government has today (Monday 11 December) announced reforms to the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC).

The RHA has long campaigned for reform of Driver CPC to increase its flexibility whilst acknowledging the importance of continuous training to ensure professionalism and safety standards are maintained.

The Government proposals include the following reforms for drivers operating in the UK to be introduced in the summer of 2024:

1. Reducing the minimum course length from 7 hours to 3.5 hours. The total of 35 hours every five years remains.

2. Decoupling e-learning from trainer-led courses to allow more at-home learning.

3. In spring 2025, introducing a fast route for drivers to return to the workforce through a 7-hour course.

4. The existing qualification will remain for drivers who operate internationally.

Declan Pang, RHA Director of Public Affairs and Policy, England, said:

“We support the proposals for greater flexibility in how the 35 hours of training is delivered, greater use of e-learning and a fast route for returning drivers.

“We note that Government will consult further on introducing a new periodic test as an alternative to 35 hours of training for drivers looking to renew their DCPC. We believe the periodic test alone is not in line with maintaining safety standards unless it is combined with mandatory training. Therefore, if a test option was to be introduced, it can only be alongside formal training.”

The reforms effectively create two DCPC routes – national and international.

The Department for Infrastructure (DFI) in Northern Ireland has confirmed they will replicate these reforms in the region.

More information on the announcement can be found here.