Logistics and distribution experts, Fitzmaurice Carriers, are investing in a more sustainable future with initiatives to reduce energy use, fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

The East Anglian haulage company has continually invested in state-of-the-art technology to improve their sustainability both on-site and on the road.

Fitzmaurice’s most recent investment in super-efficient LED lighting contributes to their ongoing efforts to reduce energy consumption across their warehousing site.

The new lighting system is split into zones and sensor-activated, so that only areas in use are illuminated. Coupled with the latest generation of technology, this upgrade uses significantly less energy than the previous system.

Fitzmaurice have also instigated a full recycling programme for paper, card, plastic, wood and metals. This includes an on-site baler, which is used to mechanically compress waste into uniform bales ready for collection.
These eco-friendly improvements in Fitzmaurice’s warehouse operations further build on the commitment to greater sustainability they have already made within their distribution services.

“Sustainability is a challenge which the logistics industry has an obligation to help meet. At Fitzmaurice, we are constantly thinking of new ways to become more efficient in our day-to-day warehouse activities, as well as on the road with our delivery vehicles,” says Matt Richards, Operations Director at Fitzmaurice Carriers.

Fitzmaurice operates a fleet of modern delivery trucks and vans. They introduced their first fully electric van in August 2023, allowing them to deliver locally with zero carbon emissions.

In addition, the Norwich-based company implements initiatives to minimise fuel consumption and emissions through efficient planning, combining multiple smaller shipments and backhauling goods on return trips to ensure trucks run with full capacity at all times.

These practices collectively reduce fuel use and significantly cut carbon emissions, particularly with the addition of their electric van.

“By ensuring our trucks operate at full capacity, we not only lower costs for us and for our customers, but also significantly decrease our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable logistics industry,” adds Matt.
Fitzmaurice are looking to build upon these sustainable initiatives by investing in cutting-edge charging technology for their mechanical handling equipment in the near future.

For over 105 years, Fitzmaurice Carriers have been providing transport and distribution across East Anglia. They deliver goods to a wide range of businesses including cash & carry outlets, wholesalers, schools, restaurants, pubs and hotels.

By delivering high levels of service, Fitzmaurice Carriers have maintained long-term relationships with a large number of clients, many of which span multiple decades.
“Our sustainable initiatives not only reduce our environmental impact but also strengthen our relationships with customers who value eco-friendly practices. By leading the way in sustainable logistics, we build trust and loyalty with our clients, demonstrating our shared commitment to a greener future,” concludes Matt.
To find out more about Fitzmaurice Carriers, visit https://fitzmaurice.co.uk/