Around 30 million journeys have been made since the UK’s shared e-scooter trials began, it has been reported today.

There are currently 24,000 shared e-scooters in 45 fleets available as part of the trials across England, and local authorities must decide from December on whether to continue with an extension.

The latest update on their soaring popularity has been calculated by Zag Daily.

National shared transport charity Collaborative Mobility UK (CoMoUK) welcomed the “momentous milestone” and urged the UK Government to swiftly introduce legislation to capitalise on the success of the trials.

CoMoUK’s chief executive Richard Dilks said:
“This is a momentous milestone for the shared e-scooter trials in England to have reached, showing sustained levels of popularity for this new alternative transport option.

“With the Minister recently confirming the Government’s intention to create a new powered light vehicle class that would legalise e-scooters, we want to see that happen as soon as possible to harness this popularity, along with the benefits it brings, while dealing with the lack of regulation of private e-scooters.

“The UK is an outlier in having no committed plan to legalise e-scooters or other future low emission modes that will help us save people money and cut emissions.”