Last week (5 March) Luton’s new Step Forward Luton investment prospectus was launched showcasing the wide range of opportunities for current and prospective businesses to invest, grow and thrive in Luton.

The prospectus details why Luton is an ideal place to invest and do business with its location, great connectivity, home to pioneering industries and growth in start-ups. It is the latest stage in Step Forward Luton’s journey since it was launched last year with its aim to champion the diverse offerings of Luton and showcase what makes the town special. Detailing the opportunities for businesses in Luton, the prospectus provides information on businesses support from everything from locating to the right premises, to introductions to local networks, finance and funding support.

Ambassadors of Step Forward Luton, launched the prospectus at a Summit for local and prospective business leaders with speakers and panel sessions, from aviation, local businesses, and developers including Prologis and Wrenbridge, business and educational organisations, and Luton Town Football Club, and Luton Rising amongst others.

Discussions took place about the regeneration of the town, inward investment plans from international businesses, expansion proposals for London Luton Airport and the benefits to the region. Along with the latest opportunities for businesses, Visit England and Arora group took part in discussions on plans to grow the visitor economy and the hosting of major national events.

Cllr James Taylor portfolio holder responsible for Regeneration and Inclusive Growth at Luton Council said, “Luton has a lot to shout about and this event was the opportunity to do just that. There’s over £5 billion of inward investment planned and underway, with a £1.7bn regeneration of the town centre with plans for a new football stadium and The Stage development.

“With great connectivity, already thriving businesses from aviation, manufacturing and the creative and digital sectors, home grown talent and a highly skilled workforce, there has never been a better time to invest in Luton”.

“It was exciting to hear from investors, developers, anchor institutes, regional partners, national organisations and the Step Forward Luton ambassadors all showcasing and promoting the outstanding opportunities to invest and be part of our town”.

Martin Blower, Chair of the Step Forward Luton Business Ambassador group said, “I had the honour of launching our new investment prospectus for Luton.

“It is a really important asset to showcase the overall investment proposition for Luton. Our business ambassadors will take this proposition out to the market, through our existing industry networks, key investor events nationally and internationally and online. Each of us will tell our own stories of why we chose to invest in Luton and share the opportunities with other businesses whether they are new start-ups or established businesses looking to relocate and grow.”

Placi Espejo, Innovation and Economy Lead of Ox Cam Partnership said, “We are thrilled to have been part of the Step Forward Luton Summit, an excellent event brimming with positive energy, forward-thinking leadership, and rooted in invaluable collaboration. It was truly inspiring to delve into the current and future developments of Luton with all the panel presentations, while engaging with esteemed partners, leading businesses, and dedicated colleagues during the networking opportunities.”