A Leicester logistics specialist is celebrating after winning an award for innovation from a leading industry body.

Translink Express Logistics Ltd won the coveted Contribution to Innovation award at the Institute of Supply Chain Management’s (IoSCM) annual Supply Chain Awards.

The Narborough-based firm was celebrated for overcoming major industry challenges with innovative initiatives and thinking outside the box to introduce business improvements.

As key workers during the pandemic, its team helped deliver essential goods to local supermarkets, after transforming its warehouse into a fully functional distribution centre in under two weeks.

Translink, which is a family-owned business and a member of the Pallet-Track network, also worked closely with Blaby District Council on its ‘Blaby District Let’s Talk Logistics’ scheme.

The initiative was launched during the 2021 HGV driver shortage to boost recruitment across the supply chain and raise the profile of careers in logistics.

Commercial and finance directors, Chris and Debbie Hobbis, collected the award during a ceremony at The Copthorne Hotel in Newcastle.

The IoSCM provides globally-recognised qualifications and training to raise the standards of supply chain networks worldwide.

The firm’s quality and compliance manager, Heidi Edwards, entered the firm for the award.

She said: “It’s the first quality award for our business and valuable recognition from a respected, professional body.

“The projects were very much a team effort but Chris, in particular, deserves the recognition as it was his leadership and contribution which secured the project that kept us busy throughout that time.

“He spearheaded change in the business, as he was determined to keep it fully operational and to keep the team feeling confident and motivated through the obstacles of the pandemic and the HGV driver shortage.

“It was Chris’s determination and vision that helped the business to thrive by putting new cost-saving systems in place and kitting out what was a basic storage warehouse into a pick and pack facility, which has also created new jobs and increased our team to over 90 members of staff in total.

“We never expected to win because compared to the competition we’re a small depot in the Midlands, but I’m so proud of us for winning.”

Translink’s first award win comes at the end of its 35th year in business.

Chris said: “Like everyone in the industry, it has been a really challenging period for us, with lots of ups and downs, but we have had a great 35th year; our entire team has worked so hard to ensure that we continue to deliver excellence within our sector for both our customers and our partner members in Pallet-Track.

“This is truly an award-winning year, made possible because of our entire team spirit, no one person is ever responsible for a company’s success and we would like to say a great big thank you to our entire team for all the effort and support they continue to show.

“Just to be nominated as finalists in the IoSCM Supply Chain Awards was absolutely amazing, so it is a very proud moment for the entire team to share.”

Caroline Green, chief executive of Pallet-Track, said: “As a network, we are thrilled for the team at Translink Express as they have worked incredibly hard under difficult circumstances to pivot their services and overcome the challenges of recent years.

“We are all so pleased to see the team receive the recognition that they deserve.”

View the latest vacancies at Translink Express to join its award-winning team translinkexpress.co.uk/recruitment or call us on 0116 2751555.

For more information about Pallet-Track, call 0870 385 0055 or visit www.pallet-track.co.uk.