Weather during the winter months can turn at a moment’s notice and it’s important to be prepared for all wintry conditions. Karl Williams, Transport Operations Manager for, has put together some winter driving tips ahead of the unpredictable and colder weather over the next couple of months:

  1. Don’t accelerate too quickly or harshly in snow as this can dig your car into a rut. If this happens, accelerate gently in the highest gear possible, moving your car backwards and forwards until you’re out of the rut. If you’re not able to get out alone, ask for help from other motorists.
  2. If you don’t already, turn your window wipers off at the end of every journey before turning off the car. If your windscreen freezes, this can tear wiper blades if they come on automatically. Also, keep your windscreen washer fluid nozzles clear of snow and ice, and use a washer fluid with anti-freeze to help clear your windscreen quickly.
  3. Leave significant room around larger vehicles, including buses, vans and lorries – bigger vehicles, especially HGV’s, have the potential to jack-knife if they hit a patch of ice.
  4. Be visible and have visibility – If you fail to clean your whole car of snow before setting off, you risk being fined £60 and receiving three penalty points on your license*. You also need to ensure you clear your lights and number plates are fully visible prior to every trip on the road.
  5. Have the right lights on – If you are driving along rural or dark roads, ensure you put your full beam lights on if there are no other vehicles on the road. If driving in heavy snowfall or blizzard conditions, dipped headlights are best. If there is very low visibility or fog, then pop your fog light on so other drivers can see you clearly.
  6. Consider winter tyres – these can be useful in any driving conditions under 7c. Winter tyres offer far more traction and grip than regular tyres. For those without winter tyres, a 3mm tread tyre is recommend.