Ann Carruthers, Chair of ADEPT’s Transport & Connectivity Board said: “ADEPT welcomes any new government funding for transport and highways, and the Local Transport Fund will make a real difference to authorities in the North and the Midlands. This element of the Network North funding will help deliver a raft of transport improvements including everything from new roads, active travel and road safety schemes, maintenance improvements to EV charging and transport hubs.

“Local authorities across the country are keen to hear about the allocations for highway maintenance and bus investment that government also promised under the Network North commitments. It is vital local authorities understand the annual allocations across these funding streams as soon as possible to ensure they can effectively plan, procure and deliver the best outcomes for their communities. After all, that is what government would want from this redirected HS2 money.

“A key factor in getting the most out of this money will be sufficient revenue funding to support the delivery of this new transport investment. Amid huge local government financial challenges, this will really help us deliver better connected places.”