Merseyside Police has agreed to accept up to five vehicle registrations per STGO and abnormal loads movement notification.

The force had only previously accepted notification of one vehicle registration. This meant that operators needing to change a vehicle had to submit new notifications resulting in delays and increased costs.

The move comes after the RHA, Heavy Transport Association, British Holiday & Home Parks Association, National Caravan Council and National Farmers Union have called for officers to apply regulations fairly and consistently.

Operators have reported that officers in some forces are enforcing blanket movement embargoes on abnormal loads which they say are increasing bureaucracy and cost.

Meanwhile, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has committed to improve the policing response with enforcement and escort provision through the College of Policing.

The NPCC, which co-ordinates forces to work together on common issues, will collaborate with industry on updating national guidance for officers. They will continue to work together to share ideas, understand concerns and explore opportunities to benefit policing and operators.

This includes Project SAbLE (Safer Abnormal Load Escorting) which aims to improve the safety and operational efficiency of abnormal load movements through appropriate escorting practices.

The NPCC will ask forces to consider regional consistency around peak hours’ movements and review if the restrictions they have on strategic routes and during the hours of darkness are necessary and proportionate.

Senior officers stress however that operational decisions rest with each chief constable.

The group reiterates that operators are committed to complying with safety regulations and continues to engage with forces on specific enforcement issues.