A further 15 electric vehicle charging points are now available for people to use in Portsmouth, making a total of 34 available for use.

Portsmouth City Council took the decision to switch off all on-street charging points in the city in November 2023, following safety concerns raised by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN).

Now a further wave of chargepoints have been reactivated, following close collaboration between the council, charge point operators, and the area’s electricity distribution network operator (DNO), SSEN.

The on-street chargepoints are reinstated at the following locations:

21 Gains Road, PO4 0PJ
37 Gains Road, PO4 0PJ
37 Crofton Road, PO2 0NS
207 Stubbington Avenue, PO2 0JW
19 Lichfield Road, PO3 6DD
19 Berney Road, PO4 8HG
17 Croft Road, PO2 8AX
21 Chestnut Avenue, PO4 8AB
151 Hayling Avenue, PO3 6DY
126 Methuen Road, PO4 9HJ
Kings Road, outside 45/61 Norfolk Street, PO5 4DR
24 Lennox Road South, PO5 2HT
24 Lindley Avenue, PO4 9NU
35 Nutbourne Road, PO6 1NP
14 Mayhall Road, PO3 5AU

Since November, all parties have been working to understand the issues with EV chargepoints and get them back online, prioritising those chargepoints that could be turned back on quickest. Work has now been completed to ensure these 15 chargepoints are safe for people to charge their vehicles.

All parties involved continue to work together to get make further chargepoints operational as soon as possible.

Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, the council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “We’ve been working closely with all parties to get more EV chargepoints back online, and I’m pleased to see a further 14 made available for people to use. I know this has been an inconvenience to electric vehicle owners in the city, and we’re very sorry for the impact this situation is causing. As there is higher demand for charging points, we’d ask people to please move their vehicles once they’re charged so that other EV owners can use them.”

The charging infrastructure is owned by the council and operated by the installing company who is . In Portsmouth the DNO is SSEN, and the council will work in close collaboration with all parties to undertake any necessary works and get more charge points back online while prioritising public safety.

As chargepoints come back online the dedicated parking spaces alongside them will only be available for vehicles that are charging.

People can find the late information on Portsmouth’s public and on-street chargepoints, and signup for updates at www.portsmouth.gov.uk/ev-chargepoints.